The future of
Digital Signage
The #1 infrastructure to manage your professional displays.

The #1 infrastructure to manage your professional displays.
A way to manage all professional digital equipment in one place. Create and deploy apps, without coding

Create layouts and interactive apps without coding.
Create fantastic experiments with all the flexibility and to your taste. Your app’s logic is visually simplified.
Visual Composer
Logic Composer

Use cases
Digital Signage
Use the Display for all use cases.

Your range of device's control in real-time.
Have control of all your equipment, projects, and apps, in real-time and at a distance of a click.
Deploy your projects and app in minutes.
Create projects and app in a time fraction, reduce up to 95% the time costs and development time.

Management of the
infrastructure simplified
The best features, with the latest technology, to manage intelligently your professional displays catalog.

in the Cloud
Control your infrastructure anywhere

Pro Display
The digital equipment advanced management.

Real time
Real-time access to the equipment. Control remotely.

Create Layouts
and App´s
Create and deploy your apps to all your equipment.

Alerts and
Activity information of all your professional equipment.

Personalize your dashboard with the KPIs that are relevant.
Powered by Spotside Display
What our clients and partners create with Display.
Plans with Apps
Start with 9,90€ per display per month.
Plans for
Do you operate a display network? Manage the infrastructure and deploy your universal apps on a simplified basis.
Professional management of the infrastruture
- Cloud Management
- Apps Management
- Pro device management
- Alerts and errors
- Documentation and APIs